Wambo Web is finally online

Published by Philipp Schuster on

Screenshot wambo-web.de

In the last months I worked on a project called Wambo Web. I already created Wambo, a CLI tool that helps you to easily interpret and convert numbers/bits in any possible way low-level developers often need it (Wambo on crates.io). Now I finally have a Web Version online too. In fact, it is capable of more than the CLI version. It can cope with many input formats (hex, negative, fractional, megabytes, all mixed up…) and convert any input to the corresponding bit representation in IEEE-754 @ 32 bit (float/f32) and 64 bit (double/f64).

Check it out on wambo-web.de. There are a lot of tools which cover only parts of this functionality – and most of them are not even responsive and interactive like this tool. I hope it helps you someday. It’s free, doesn’t track any data and is open source (link on the website).

Screenshot of wambo-web.de

Philipp Schuster

Hi, I'm Philipp and interested in Computer Science. I especially like low level development, making ugly things nice, and de-mystify "low level magic".


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