Rust: setTimeout and setInterval as in Javascript with “tokio” as Runtime

Even though I’m working with Rust for over 2.5 years now, I unfortunately never made a deep dive into the async/await/future-world. But I started using tokio a few days ago and a few questions came up. Tokio is a runtime for executing futures, great! For this, tokio needs some kind of “tasks” or “lightweight userland threads”, okay. To schedule N tasks across M cores, tokio need some kind of event loop,.. so.. similar Read more…

How-To: Compile EDK2/OVMF From Source on Linux [2021]

EDK2 is a development environment to create firmware implementations that follows the UEFI specification. It is part of tianocore project. which is the reference implemenation for UEFI. Multiple “packages”, which are the sources to build tianocore for different platforms (x86, ARM, QEMU), are located inside the git repository of “EDK2”. OVMF, which stands for Open Virtual Machine Firmware, is one of these packages. It enables UEFI inside virtual machines, like in QEMU environments. Read more…

Frequency Spectrum obtained using my Rust lib (original signal: sine waves at 50, 1000 and 3777 Hz with a little bit of clipping, which results in the noise in the signal)

Frequency Spectrum Analysis with FFT in Rust (library spectrum-analyzer)

One week ago FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) and frequency spectrum analysis were still a mysterium to me. Because I have a long time planned side project (live beat detection to music) and had some time, I started to make a deep dive into digital signal processing (DSP), including lowpass filters and especially frequency spectrum analysis using FFT. I was a little bit shocked/disappointed by the lack of good ressources and easy to understand Read more…

Effective + Simple Way to Manage & Obtain Multiple Let’s Encrypt Certificate for Different Domains Using a Small Shell Script

Yesterday I faced the problem that I need a convenient way to manage multiple domains on the same host/IP. I have “main” domains with potentially further sub-domains. How can one optimize the retrieval of certificates without writing all the shell commands manually or look ’em up in the shell history? I asked myself this question and came up with this solution, not sure if my solution is ideal but it is effective and Read more…


Wambo Web is finally online

In the last months I worked on a project called Wambo Web. I already created Wambo, a CLI tool that helps you to easily interpret and convert numbers/bits in any possible way low-level developers often need it (Wambo on Now I finally have a Web Version online too. In fact, it is capable of more than the CLI version. It can cope with many input formats (hex, negative, fractional, megabytes, all mixed Read more…

Setup Jetbrains Clion IDE with STM32CubeMX project for development on STM32 Microcontrollers – Windows

Similar to my previous blog post on programming and debugging STM32 Microcontrollers with Clion IDE on Mac, I want to share a similar easy setup guide for Windows with you. The only difference is that you have to install OpenOCD and ARM GNU eabi Toolchain a little bit different. This tutorial should work for all STM32 based Microcontrollers with a debug interface (JTAG) that is supported by OpenOCD. I used a STM32 Nucleo-L4R5ZI Read more…

STM32 Nucleo-L4R5ZI Development Board