Writing a Linux Driver for QEMU’s Debugcon Device

Published by Philipp Schuster on

Terminal Screenshot: Running a Linux VM with the debugcon driver in QEMU.

Update: Since Cloud Hypervisor release v38, you can also run a Linux with this driver in Cloud Hypervisor and see the output.

In earlier blog posts, I discussed QEMU’s debugcon device and presented a minimal driver for it written in x86 assembly. In this blog post, we go a little further and write a driver for Linux in C. The driver should provide a /dev/debugcon character device so that processes can open the driver device file and write data to it. Hence, the command $ echo "hello from Linux" > /dev/debugcon writes to the debugcon device and the VMM (Cloud Hypervisor or QEMU) captures that data. Only one device at a time should be able to use the device.

My project is on GitHub and the README plus the (relatively little lines of) code are already well-suited to understanding basic relations between different components – assuming you have basic low-level programming and Linux knowledge. The GitHub repository contains an easy way to build and run a demo with Nix. However, in this blog post, I’d like to highlight a few key points of the driver.

I decided to create the driver as out-of-tree module. In my previous blog post, I described how one can package them with Nix, so check it out, if you want to understand that part.

The Driver

Most of the code (~130 lines without comments) is necessary boilerplate code for a Linux driver: Initializing the driver, registering a character device with all its necessary steps, and registering a device node (/dev/debugcon). A character device is a kernel abstraction that allows user applications to use read(), write(), open(), and so on. You can find the initialization of the character device in the debugcon_module_init function. Note how I need multiple ugly C-typical error checking ifs. I’m looking forward to Rust in the kernel so much!

 * Module/driver initializer. Called on module load/insertion.
 * @return success (0) or error code.
static int __init debugcon_module_init(void) {
    int rc;
    pr_info("%s", __FUNCTION__);

    rc = alloc_chrdev_region(&dev_num, 0, CHR_DEV_COUNT, "debugcon");
    if (rc) {
        pr_err("Failed to allocate chrdev region\n");
        goto end;

    dev_major = MAJOR(dev_num);

    debugcon_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "debugcon");
    if (IS_ERR(debugcon_class)) {
        rc = PTR_ERR(debugcon_class);
        pr_err("Failed to create driver class\n");
        goto end;

    // Set permissions for user processes.
    debugcon_class->devnode = debugcon_devnode_mode;

    cdev_init(&chrdev, &fops);
    chrdev.owner = THIS_MODULE;

    rc = cdev_add(&chrdev, dev_num, 1);
    if (rc) {
        pr_err("Failed to add char dev\n");
        goto end;

    // Create device node /dev/debugcon
    device = device_create(debugcon_class, NULL, dev_num, NULL, "debugcon");
    if (IS_ERR(device)) {
        rc = PTR_ERR(device);
        pr_err("Failed to call device_create\n");
        goto end;

    pr_info("QEMU Debugcon Driver inserted: /dev/debugcon available\n");

    return rc;

This is all the code necessary for creating a character device in a Linux driver. Hint: However, that the device appears in /dev/ requires some userland support. Either via mknod, udev or mdev (the latter in busybox-environments). I will come back to this later in the testing infrastructure when I talk about the initrd.

With cdev_init(&chrdev, &fops); I associate certain file operations with the device:

struct file_operations fops = {
        .owner = THIS_MODULE,
        .open = device_open,
        .write = device_write,
        .release = device_release

In device_open, the driver needs to ensure that only one single user at a time can “own” the device. In device_write, the user buffer must be written to the I/O port, similar as in my assembly driver. Finally, device_release must ensure that the next user can open the driver.


int device_open(struct inode * ino, struct file * f) {
    int acquired_exclusive_access = 0;
    int expected = 0;
    int new_state = 1;

    pr_info("%s called", __FUNCTION__);

    acquired_exclusive_access = __atomic_compare_exchange(
            // device_is_opened is global variable of type int
    if (!acquired_exclusive_access) {
        pr_info("Another device has the driver file already open");
        return -EBUSY;
    } else {
        pr_info("Acquired exclusive access to device");

    return 0;

Instead of using a mutex, I decided to use an atomic operation to protect the global variable device_is_opened. It is sufficient and has less overhead than a mutex. If a user opens the device while device_is_opened == 1, then the program receives -EBUSY. Otherwise, success (0) is returned.


In this callback, we need a loop to write the user’s data byte-by-byte into the I/O port (0xe9) of the debugcon device.

ssize_t device_write(struct file * f, const char * buf, size_t n, loff_t * off) {
    pr_info("%s called", __FUNCTION__);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        asm volatile (
                "outb %%al, %%dx"
                : "a" (buf[i]),
                  "d" (QEMU_DEBUGCON_IO_PORT)
    return n;

Inline assembly in C is ugly compared to Rust, isn’t it? The logic is relatively simple. We just write the whole buffer at once. We communicate this to the calling process by returning n.


The last function is also fairly simple.

int device_release(struct inode * ino, struct file * f) {
    pr_info("%s called", __FUNCTION__);

    // Non-atomic access is fine as there can only be one thread in this
    // function.
    device_is_opened = 0;
    return 0;

Hint: Those were the most relevant snippets. Again, I’d like to forward you to my GitHub to see it all in combination.

The Testing Infrastructure

Using Nix, I set up a small testing infrastructure consisting of a minimal Linux kernel, a minimal initrd, and a script that starts QEMU with the right settings. The init script inside the initrd executes insmod debugcon.ko to load my driver during runtime. As I mentioned earlier, device nodes under /dev must be made available before they can be used. The interesting lines in nix/initrd.nix are:

# ...
insmod ${debugconKernelMod}

# Create device nodes.
mdev -s
# ...

The QEMU run script, which is build with $ nix-build -A runQemuDemo, will take the kernel and the initrd, which contains the out-of-tree module, as parameters and start a VM with them. In nix/run_qemu_demo.nix, we can see how this is done:

{ kernel
, initrd
, writeShellScriptBin
, qemu

  kernelPath = "${kernel}/bzImage";
  initrdPath = "${initrd}/initrd.gz";
  qemuBin = "${qemu}/bin/qemu-system-x86_64";
writeShellScriptBin "run_qemu_demo" ''
  ${qemuBin} \
    -kernel ${kernelPath} \
    -append "console=ttyS0" \
    -initrd ${initrdPath} \
    -serial stdio \
    -debugcon file:debugcon.txt \
    -display none `# relevant for the CI` \
    -m 512M

In the following screenshot, you can see a terminal to the running VM on the top and a host terminal on the bottom. The guest writes a message to the debugcon device and the host can read it, as QEMU wrote everything into the given file.

Terminal Screenshot: Running a Linux VM with the debugcon driver in QEMU.
Terminal Screenshot: Running a Linux VM with the debugcon driver in QEMU.


In this blog post, I showed the key aspects of a Linux driver for QEMU’s debugcon device. I also sketched the testing infrastructure with Nix around it, which is very convenient. You can find the whole code and a README that helps you to run it on your machine in the GitHub repository: https://github.com/phip1611/qemu-debugcon-linux-driver

Philipp Schuster

Hi, I'm Philipp and interested in Computer Science. I especially like low level development, making ugly things nice, and de-mystify "low level magic".


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